November 11, 2020–A week after the U.S. national election, Joe Biden, the presumptive president-elect, said he is beginning to renew U.S. ties with global partners and institutions and is confident he can work with a bipartisan Congress on achieving results.
Biden won victories in a high enough number of states to reach the magic 270 electoral votes needed to make the election official in December. Since most media outlets named Biden the president-elect over the weekend, he has taken calls from at least six foreign leaders, including those representing the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Canada and Turkey.
New Tone in Washington
Biden said he is telling his counterparts the United States will reengage with the world under a Biden presidency. “First of all, I’m letting them know that America is back. We’re going to be back in the game,” Biden said on Tuesday. “It’s not America alone.”
That message is a sharp contrast to President Donald Trump‘s “America First” slogan.
Under than populist movement, Trump pushed back against what his advisors called a “globalist” theme. The president renegotiated the NAFTA trade agreement with Canada and Mexico, criticized NAFTA and the G7, and pulled funding for the World Health Organization. He also withdrew from the 2016 Paris Agreement on Climate Change, a landmark nuclear deal six countries signed with Iran in 2015, and negotiations over a Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement.
Biden has promised to return to the Paris Agreement. Furthermore, he is likely to reverse many of Trump’s executive orders, including those on immigration and environmental standards.
No Concession Speech Yet
For his part, Trump has not conceded the election to Biden and has launched multiple election-related lawsuits in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arizona.
Trump election advisor Reince Prebius urged patience as the legal process does its work.
‘Well on Our Way’ to Forming A Government
Biden appeared to take the situation in stride. He said he and his advisors are putting their team together and are on track to being ready to take office in January.
“We are already beginning the transition. We are well on our way,” Biden said, as he addressed reporters on Tuesday after an event related to health care.
When Is It Official?
While the electoral college that officially elects U.S. presidents after a national vote does not meet until December 14 and Biden would not be sworn into office until January 20, 2021, the former vice president is working with his transition team to prepare for office.