Thursday, March 6


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global audience, Audience, Global Economic Report

The Global Economic Report engages a global audience. We want to empower individuals and businesses to engage in the global economy in large and small ways. That starts with understanding the key dynamics in the international arena. Knowledge is power. Economics is infused throughout the international system.

When one journalist succeeds, it helps everyone. And it’s that altruistic goal that prompted Patti Mohr to launch the Global Economic Report on a shoe-string budget. Once you understand the way money makes the world go around, you have a stronger voice in shaping decisions that impact people.

As we grow, we hope to engage an audience of researchers, business leaders and policymakers. We encourage everyone with an inquisitive mind to follow our stories and provide feedback about how political and business decisions impact you, your business, and your country. To share news, you can email us at news[at]


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