Friday, March 14

Author: Patti Mohr

Patti Mohr is a U.S.-based journalist. She writes about global diplomacy, economics, and infringements on individual freedom. Patti is the founder of the Global Economic Report. Her goal is to elevate journalistic principles and share the pursuit of truth in concert with others.
South Korea Joins G7 Countries In Condemning Russian Invasion
Diplomacy, Sanctions, Types of News: Brief

South Korea Joins G7 Countries In Condemning Russian Invasion

February 25, 2022--South Korea's Foreign Ministry today condemned Russia's armed invasion of Ukraine and promised to respond with economic sanctions against Russia. Up until today, the country stopped short of outright condemning the actions even while voicing support for Ukraine's territorial integrity. "As a responsible member of the international community, the Korean government will support and join the international community’s efforts, including economic sanctions, to curb armed invasion and resolve the situation peacefully," the South Korean Foreign Ministry said today in a press release. Previously, South Korean Spokesperson Choi Youngsam had expressed "serious concern" and directed people to a Feb. 22 statement in which the ministry urged the parties "to continue to seek a p...
Key Takeaways From PM Boris Johnson’s Address To Parliament on Ukraine
Corruption, Bribes, Illicit Finance & Money Laundering, Diplomacy, Globalization, Global Disintegration, Types of News: Analysis

Key Takeaways From PM Boris Johnson’s Address To Parliament on Ukraine

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson addresses his parliament on Feb. 24, 2022. February 24, 2022--The United Kingdom's Prime Minister Boris Johnson addressed the House of Commons today, rallying the British people in what is likely to be a long battle against the Russian government in the aftermath of its assault on Ukraine. Here are some key points from the question and answers: Tougher Finance in London. Britain is likely to crack down on financial transactions. London has long been the home of financial transactions and attracts some of the world's big money players. With that, it's earned a reputation as a tax haven, a safe haven for hiding and even laundering cash. That's all about to change as U.K. politicians hone in Russian banks, oligarchs and business transactions. "We mu...
G7 Countries Coordinate Actions Against Russian War
Diplomacy, Sanctions, Types of News: Brief

G7 Countries Coordinate Actions Against Russian War

UK, US Intensify Sanctions Against Russian Entities Feb. 24, 2022--Leaders of the G7 countries held an emergency meeting today in response to Russia's attack on Ukraine. The members include the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Japan, Germany, France and Italy. They along with the European Union coordinated plans to accelerate financial penalties and restrictions against Russia. In no uncertain terms in their statement, the leaders condemned Russia's war on Ukraine as well as participation by Belarus: "We the Leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) are appalled by and condemn the large-scale military aggression by the Russian Federation against the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, directed partly from Belarusian soil," the leaders said. "This...
Amid Russian War, IEA Closely Watching Oil & Gas Markets
Energy Policy, Oil & Gas, Geopolitics, Types of News: Brief

Amid Russian War, IEA Closely Watching Oil & Gas Markets

Photo: IEA February 24, 2022--As Russia intensified its war against Ukraine and G7 countries accelerated sanctions against Russia, the International Energy Agency announced it is closely monitoring the world's supply of oil and gas. Russia is the world's second-largest oil producer. Only the United States produces more oil at this time. According to the IEA, "Russian oil exports transiting Ukraine via the southern branch of the Druzhba pipeline to supply Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic" are most likely to be impacted by the conflict. "While the specific impact on world oil markets is yet to be determined, IEA Member Countries stand ready to act collectively to ensure that global oil markets are adequately supplied," the agency said on Tuesday. The United States: 12.1 m...
U.S. Justice Dept Sets Up Crypto Crime Office
Corruption, Bribes, Illicit Finance & Money Laundering, Cryptocurrency

U.S. Justice Dept Sets Up Crypto Crime Office

February 24, 2022--The U.S. Justice Department established a department to investigate the criminal use of cryptocurrencies and digital assets and named its first director. The department tapped Eun Young Choi to serve as the first director of the National Cryptocurrency Enforcement Team. Choi has previously served the Justice Department as a senior counsel, an assistant U.S. Attorney and a lead prosecutor. "The NCET will play a pivotal role in ensuring that as the technology surrounding digital assets grows and evolves, the department in turn accelerates and expands its efforts to combat their illicit abuse by criminals of all kinds," Choi said.
International Community Responds to Russia’s Breach of Ukraine’s Borders
Diplomacy, International Law, Legal Battles, Sanctions, Types of News: Brief

International Community Responds to Russia’s Breach of Ukraine’s Borders

February 23, 2022—The international community rallied support for Ukraine and joined the United States in issuing new sanctions against Russia. It comes after Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his troops into rebel-held regions of eastern Ukraine after recognizing them as independent states. Today, leaders from Poland and Lithuania stood by the side of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in a news conference as he asked for an "immediate and harsh" response by the international community. And respond, they did. The European Union, the United Kingdom, Japan, Australia and Canada announced new sanctions against Russia. This follows yesterday's announcement by U.S. President Joe Biden about the "first tranche of sanctions." In some cases, like those in the United Kingdo...
Biden Announces New Sanctions Against Russia
International Law, Legal Battles, Sanctions

Biden Announces New Sanctions Against Russia

Biden Says U.S. Allies Are 'United in Support of Ukraine' February 22, 2022--President Joe Biden announced new sanctions against Russia, two Russian banks and individuals today in the wake of Russia's breach of Ukraine's borders. Biden said the new sanctions go that "far beyond" those enacted in 2014. This comes in response to Russian President Vladimir Putin's recognition of two Ukrainian regions as independent and Russia's invasion of Ukraine. New 'First Tranche' of Sanctions The new U.S. sanctions apply to: Two state-owned financial institutions, VEB and PSB, which support Russia’s defense capability and its economy.Russian elites, including Denis Aleksandrovich Bortnikov, a Russian official and an executive at VTB Bank, Petr Mikhailovich Fradkov, chairman and CEO of PSB ...
Russian Troops Enter Ukraine As Diplomacy Fails To Stop Crisis
Diplomacy, Geopolitics, Types of News: Analysis, UN Security Council

Russian Troops Enter Ukraine As Diplomacy Fails To Stop Crisis

Putin Revives Soviet Sentiment, Calls Ukrainians 'Our Comrades' February 22, 2022—Despite nearly non-stop diplomacy by all sides for over a month, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered troops into Ukraine late Monday night. The announcement and troop movement came after Putin recognized the Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk as independent countries. Russian President Putin recognizes breakaway republics of Ukraine as independent and signs treaties of friendship. Feb. 21, 2022 Source: Kremlin While many in the West expected a Russian invasion into Ukraine, Russian diplomats continued to deny such a possibility as late as last week during a UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine. The Security Council met again last night in an emergency session. Ironically, the coun...
EU Backs Lithuania Against China Trade Restrictions
Diplomacy, Global Trade, International Law, Legal Battles, Types of News: Brief

EU Backs Lithuania Against China Trade Restrictions

EU Commissioner meets with the Lithuanian president. Lithuania's Recognition of Taiwan is at the Center of the Trade Spat February 2, 2022--The European Union opened a dispute in the World Trade Organization against China in defense of EU-member Lithuania. The request for dispute consultations alleges that China restricted trade with Lithuania in violation of international rules governing trade. According to the EU, the trade restrictions are "novel, numerous, recurrent, and persisting" and "show a targeted prohibition or restriction" against Lithuanian goods and services. Furthermore, the complaint says, trade restrictions impact supply chains throughout the EU. Finally, the EU claims the restrictions violate the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (GATT). 'No Othe...
Keep Calm And Visit Ukraine?
Diplomacy, Types of News: Analysis, Types of News: Videos

Keep Calm And Visit Ukraine?

Ukraine President Urges Economic Calm Amid War-Tremors January 31, 2022--With geopolitical tensions at their highest since the Cold War, Russian troops lined up along two sides of its borders, and the United States warning that conflict is quite possible, it might come as a surprise to learn that the Ukraine is encouraging tourists to visit. After all, U.S. and Canadian diplomats there are sending their families packing and Israel is planning to evacuate up to 75,000 Jews from the country. So it hardly seems like a time for sightseeing in the East European country. But that's exactly what the Ukraine government is urging. "Keep calm and visit Ukraine," the government's tourism board is suggesting. "According to the President and the National Security and Defense Council of Ukra...

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