Thursday, March 13

Author: Patti Mohr

Patti Mohr is a U.S.-based journalist. She writes about global diplomacy, economics, and infringements on individual freedom. Patti is the founder of the Global Economic Report. Her goal is to elevate journalistic principles and share the pursuit of truth in concert with others.
Bank of England Projects Inflation Rising To 5 Percent Inflation, Leaves Interest Rate At 0.1 Percent
Global Economics, Types of News: Brief

Bank of England Projects Inflation Rising To 5 Percent Inflation, Leaves Interest Rate At 0.1 Percent

The committee for the Bank of England met November 4, 2021 and decided to leave interest rates unchanged. November 5, 2021--In a move that surprised many observers in the financial sphere, the Bank of England voted 7-2 yesterday to maintain its federal Bank Rate at 0.1 percent and it voted 6-3 to continue purchasing U.K.-government bonds. That came as a surprise move to many financial observers, including Merryn Somerset Webb is editor-in-chief of MoneyWeek, who had expected a moderate rise in the interest rate to 0.25 percent. Writing an opinion piece for the Financial Times, Webb said the concern is about reputation and expectation. "The Bank has told us for ages that the inflation we feel all around us is transitory," she wrote. "But it is also now telling us that it is “materi...
Crypto Assets Grew By 200 Percent In 2021
Cryptocurrency, Types of News: Brief

Crypto Assets Grew By 200 Percent In 2021

Ethereum Grew Tenfold Over The Last Year November 4, 2021—Cryptocurrency assets grew by roughly 200 percent, from just under $800 billion to $2.3 trillion, according to Jon Cunliffe, Deputy Governor for Financial Stability of the Bank of England. The rapid growth in the takeup of the asset is grabbing the attention of regulators around the world. "When something in the financial system is growing very fast, and growing in largely unregulated space, financial stability authorities have to sit up and take notice," Cunliffe said, in an October speech. He added that regulators shouldn't overreact. "We should not classify new approaches as 'dangerous' simply because they are different." Institutions Are 'Just Getting Started' Meanwhile, as the assets go mainstream, some of the hold...
U.S. Government Adds Four Spyware Companies To Trade Blacklist
Diplomacy, Human rights, Sanctions, Types of News: Analysis

U.S. Government Adds Four Spyware Companies To Trade Blacklist

Israeli Spyware Firm NSO Group Named On Commerce Department's Prohibited List November 4, 2021—In a move meant to put human rights at the center of U.S. foreign policy, the U.S. Commerce Department announced yesterday it is adding four companies to a list of companies subject to trade restrictions. The four companies include Israel-based Candiru and the NSO Group, a Singapore-based company called the Computer Security Initiative Consultancy PTE (COSEINC), and Russia's Positive Technologies. In effect, the decision puts the companies on trade blacklist that imposes extra licensing requirements. Specifically, companies on the Entity List under Export Administration Regulations face limited availability of most license exceptions for, exports, reexports, and transfers (in-country) to...
Fed Decision ‘Skews Risk Toward Inflation’
Finance, Investing, Global Economics, Types of News: Brief, United States

Fed Decision ‘Skews Risk Toward Inflation’

Despite Economic Recovery And Rising Prices, U.S. Central Bank Keeps Interest Rates Near Zero November 3, 2021—The Federal Reserve announced today it will begin reducing the amount of Treasury securities it purchases every month, in light of economic progress. However, in a move that mirrors the European Central Bank decision, the U.S. central bank is maintaining an accommodative stance on monetary policy, meaning it will continue to increase the money supply. Specifically, the committee is keeping the Federal funds rate at 0 to 0.25 percent, which is slightly above Europe's negative rates. A key point is the Fed is no longer basing the decision on the U.S. unemployment rate, which is historically low. The measure of success for the central bank now includes the labor participat...
Biden: To Reach 1.5 Degree Celsius, ‘Marathon’ To Net-Zero Is Needed
Climate Action, ESG, Sustainable Finance, Types of News: Videos

Biden: To Reach 1.5 Degree Celsius, ‘Marathon’ To Net-Zero Is Needed

November 2, 2021--U.S. President Joe Biden addresses the COP26 in Scotland. Here is a clip of his speech from yesterday. "We’re planning for a both short-term sprint to 2030 that will keep 1.5 degrees Celsius in reach and for a marathon that will take us — take us to the finish line and transform the largest economy in the world into a thriving, innovative, equitable, and just clean-energy engine of net-zero — for a net-zero world. That’s why today I’m releasing the U.S. long-term strategy, which presents a vision of achieving the United States’ goal of net-zero emissions economy-wide by no later than 2050 and reinforces an absolutely critical nature of taking bold action with the — in the decisive decade. We’re also going to try to do our part when it...
‘Climate Change Can Tear Us Apart,’ Italy’s Draghi Says
Types of News: Videos

‘Climate Change Can Tear Us Apart,’ Italy’s Draghi Says

Italian PM Says Costs Add Up To $390 Billion A Year November 2, 2021--Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi talks about the social, security and economic costs of climate change. "Climate change can tear us apart," he said at COP26. According to Draghi, risks of a warming Earth include social tensions, migration flows, terrorism and organize crime, among others.
Prince Charles Calls for ‘Vast Military-Style’ Effort on Climate
Climate Action, ESG, Sustainable Finance, Types of News: Videos

Prince Charles Calls for ‘Vast Military-Style’ Effort on Climate

November 2, 2021--In his speech to COP26 on Monday, Prince Charles to harness trillions of dollars in private capital to finance a transition to a green economy. Please visit our affiliate marketing partner and accept cookies. Plant a Tree supports animals and the planet with its work. His remarks are as follows: "Ladies and gentlemen, the COVID19 pandemic has shown us just how devastating a global cross-border threat can be. Climate change and biodiversity loss are no different.In fact, they pose and even greater existential threat to the extent that we have to put ourselves on what might be called a warlike footing. Having had myself the opportunity of consulting many of you over these past 18 months, I know you all carry a heavy burden on yo...
Let’s Talk About Defining ESG –Literally
Climate Action, ESG, Sustainable Finance, Types of News: Analysis

Let’s Talk About Defining ESG –Literally

Photo by Mohr Media As Investors Take Interest In Corporate Policies, Governments Look To Harmonize ESG Disclosure November 2, 2021—As employees, consumers and investors demand greater transparency about corporate practices,  there's increasing interest in defining standards for environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosure. While the concept of ESG has been around for years, leaders in the both public and private sectors are taking a greater interest in refining the definition. Furthermore, as world leaders try to harness the power of the private sector to reach net-zero goals to stem the warming of the climate, ESG becomes even more useful. "Financial markets play a significant role in shifting capital to a sustainable future," Securities and Exchange Commission ...
Boris Johnson: World Leaders ‘Must Live Up To Financing Promises’
Climate Action, ESG, Sustainable Finance, Types of News: Videos

Boris Johnson: World Leaders ‘Must Live Up To Financing Promises’

November 1, 2021--The COP26 climate conference kicked off today with speeches from many of the world's leaders. United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson welcomed leaders to the conference, held this year in Glasgow, Scotland. "When it comes tackling climate change words, blah blah blah, without action, without deeds are absolutely pointless. And our record on deeds is not exactly stellar," Johnson said. He went on to say that world leaders failed to deliver on promises they made to raise $100 billion a year to finance climate action by 2020. "There was absolutely no wiggle room in that. That deadline has come and gone. And we've collectively flunked it." Pointing to countries most in danger of climate change effects, Johnson added, "We need to think about them and take action now ...
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Types of News: Brief

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A Message from the Global Economic Report's Founder, Patti Mohr: Finding the right business path to pursuing journalism and supporting writers is a tricky business. You have to find a path that does not affect the pursuit of truth. One potential route is to display ads from companies and nonprofits via affiliate marketing. But, alas, that is tricky too. First, people who visit your website have to click on those ads while accepting those companies' cookies. And, wait a second, that won't work unless they're using Google Chrome. And next they have to make a purchase. If all goes well -- and that includes all the technical glitches that could go wrong along the way -- then you might earn a small commission. So, there are a lot of "ifs" in all of that. For many website creators and ...

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