Monday, March 17

Author: Patti Mohr

Patti Mohr is a U.S.-based journalist. She writes about global diplomacy, economics, and infringements on individual freedom. Patti is the founder of the Global Economic Report. Her goal is to elevate journalistic principles and share the pursuit of truth in concert with others.
It Was ‘The Furious Year Of Invincibility’
Globalization, Global Disintegration, Types of News: Videos

It Was ‘The Furious Year Of Invincibility’

Key Excerpts From Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy Speech At One-Year Anniversary Of War Feb 24, 2023—A year ago, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy surprised Russian President Vladimir Putin and the world by staying in the capital city of Kiev to fight back against Putin's invasion. Today, one year into the war, Zelenskyy addressed his nation about the war. Below are key excerpts from his speech. "A year ago, on this day, from this very place, at about seven in the morning, I addressed you with a short statement. It lasted only 67 seconds. It contained the two most important things, then and now. That Russia started a full-scale war against us. And that we are strong. We are ready for anything. We will defeat eve...
Adani And Modi, And India’s Industrial Diplomacy
Corruption, Bribes, Illicit Finance & Money Laundering, Diplomacy, Types of News: Bit

Adani And Modi, And India’s Industrial Diplomacy

File photo: Gautam Adani and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi applauding. Feb 23, 2023—As Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi meets with key counterparts in Australia, Bangladesh, and Israel, Gautam Adani is often not far behind. The owner of the Indian conglomerate Adani Group has been making deals worth billions of dollars while Modi builds diplomatic bridges. Reporters in India and around the world are increasingly taking notice. An article in the Financial Times sheds light on relations between the Indian government and industrial giant Adani Group, raising questions about the ethics of public-private dealings. The FT reporting follows similar coverage in other publications, including The Guardian, The Wall Street Journal, and Reuters. Moreover, criticisms by Modi's opponen...
Disney Faces Shareholder Proxy Vote On China
Finance, Investing, Globalization, Global Disintegration, Types of News: Analysis

Disney Faces Shareholder Proxy Vote On China

Disney in Shanghai UPDATE: The shareholder proposals went down at the April 3, 2023 annual meeting. Feb. 23, 2023—Coming soon on a proxy vote near you: Disney shareholders will have a say in whether the company should disclose details about its operations in China. The Walt Disney company, DIS, faces several shareholder proxy votes when it holds its annual meeting on April 3. They include votes about its charitable contributions, its political contributions, and its business in China. The National Legal and Policy Center, NLPC, a Disney shareholder, is proposing the latter. Specifically, the public-interest nonprofit group is asking Disney to do the following: "Report annually to shareholders on the nature and extent to which corporate operations depend on, and are vulnerable ...
U.S. Economy Is Still Hot
Global Economics, Types of News: Brief

U.S. Economy Is Still Hot

Gas And Food Prices Continue To Climb; Jobs Market Still Tight Despite Layoffs February 17, 2023—The U.S. economy continues to run more hot than cold, despite previous forecasts that a recession would loom early in 2023. The IMF had projected a steep decline for the global economy at the beginning of the year. Then, the World Bank said the world was "perilously close" to falling into a recession. But despite the doom and gloom, the U.S. economy keeps growing. Prices are climbing; the job market remains tight even as certain economic sectors deliver layoffs; and U.S. equity markets are rising. Inflation: Prices Still Rising Inflation in the United States remains high, even as the overall CPI figure comes down from its peaks of 8.6 percent and 9.1 percent of an annualized...
NATO Steps Up Support For Ukraine Sovereignty
Geopolitics, Types of News: Brief

NATO Steps Up Support For Ukraine Sovereignty

NATO defense ministers met Feb. 14, 2023 in Brussels. February 14, 2023—As the war in Ukraine intensifies even beyond the intense fighting that has taken place to do, the NATO alliance and its members are amping up their support for Ukraine. NATO defense ministers and staff met in Brussels today to plan to provide more military support for Ukraine, increase the production of defense equipment, and strengthen and replenish members' own stocks of goods. Support for Ukraine includes training pilots, heavy weaponry, the modern air defence systems, the ammunition, and tanks. Asked by a reporter ahead of the meeting about the NATO's involvement in supplying equipment to Ukraine, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said it is right to support Ukraine's fight to maintain its sover...
Top Ten Countries Lobbying U.S. Government in 2022
Diplomacy, Political Systems, Domestic Politics, Types of News: Infographic

Top Ten Countries Lobbying U.S. Government in 2022

Reasons For Lobbying Vary Widely From Country To Country CORRECTION NEEDED: This story does not include lobbying funds related to Israel. January 22, 2023—In the United States, it is legal for foreign governments and agencies to lobby the government and disseminate political information as long as they register with the Justice Department. In fact, many countries spend millions of dollars a year on lobbying. Their purposes and practices vary widely. Some hire U.S.-based lawyers and lobbyists to influence the outcome of legislation, such as bills on trade, U.S. military bases, and democracy promotion. Other countries hire their own agents to promote tourism or to publish news. Top Ten Diplomatic Lobbying Countries Some researchers call the practice "diplomatic lobbying." Othe...
Crypto Exchange ‘Bitzlato’ Processed $700M In Illicit Funds, DOJ Says
Corruption, Bribes, Illicit Finance & Money Laundering, Types of News: Brief

Crypto Exchange ‘Bitzlato’ Processed $700M In Illicit Funds, DOJ Says

U.S. Attorney's Office for Eastern District of New York held a press conference on January 18, 2023 January 19, 2023—The U.S. Justice Department arrested and charged the operator of Bitzlato, a Hong Kong-registered cryptocurrency exchange that conducted a substantial amount of business with U.S.-based customers. Anatoly Legkodymov is a Russian national and senior executive of the exchange. On Wednesday, law enforcement officials in Miami, Florida arrested him and scheduled his arraignment for that afternoon in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida. The crackdown is a sign that federal investigators have stronger tools at their disposal in targeting money laundering and illicit crypto networks. A Crypto Exchange For Crooks, Traffickers, And Addicts The...
Turkey Demands Finland And Sweden Extradite ‘Terrorists’
Diplomacy, Organizations, IMF, WTO, G7, Types of News: Brief

Turkey Demands Finland And Sweden Extradite ‘Terrorists’

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks out against asylum policies that harbor terror suspects. NATO Expansion Opposed By Turkey And Hungary January 19, 2023—NATO defense ministers met in Brussels yesterday, joined by their counterparts from Finland and Sweden, two countries eager to join the alliance. But to join NATO, Finland and Sweden need to win over all 30 NATO members, and that's not so easy. Since May of 2022, Turkey and Hungary have opposed their membership bids of Finland and Sweden. In Turkey's case, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has long complained that the two countries provide refuge for Kurdish terrorists. This week, he reiterated his call for Sweden and Finland to extradite more than 100 asylum seekers to Turkey. "For this to pass the parliamen...
U.S. Debt Fast Approaching Its Legal Limit
Currency, Debt, National Budgets & Interest Rates, Types of News: Brief

U.S. Debt Fast Approaching Its Legal Limit

Treasury Secretary Warns That U.S. Government Likely To Hit Debt Limit On Thursday January 17, 2023—It's been a little over a year since Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told a Senate panel the U.S. debt of $28 trillion didn't matter. Now, 16 months and over two trillion dollars later, Yellen is warning that the government will hit its legal debt limit of $31.381 trillion on Thursday. She estimates Treasury can keep paying its bills until about June, but it won't be easy. In fact, Treasury is forced to take extraordinary accounting measures to keep the government running. The extraordinary has become ordinary in American federal bookkeeping. For Yellen, like many in Washington, the problem is still not the debt; it is the debt limit under U.S. law. It is that limit that the governm...
Facing A Surge In COVID-19, China’s Epidemic Control Is Put To The Test
Organizations, IMF, WTO, G7, Types of News: Brief

Facing A Surge In COVID-19, China’s Epidemic Control Is Put To The Test

WHO Asks China To Cooperate On Understanding COVID-19 Origins January 16, 2023—After a three-year span of its zero-COVID policy ended last month, China's health system is once again being put to the test. On Saturday health officials held a press conference releasing information and putting a positive spin on China's management of the virus. But the World Health Organization is asking health officials in China for more detailed data. Furthermore, WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus wants China to coordinate more to help the agency understand the origins of the virus. China's Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council held a press conference on COVID-19 on Saturday, January 14, 2023. WHO Seeks Information, Transparency Since ending its strict zer...

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