Monday, January 27

Biden Schedules ‘Summit for Democracy’ in December 2021

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August 11, 2021–President Joe Biden announced plans today to gather world leaders this coming December to discuss the future of Democracy. The commitment to addressing authoritarianism, promoting human rights, and combatting corruption will be the principal themes of the “Summit for Democracy,” according to the White House release.

Democracy Promotion Is A Priority for Biden

The Biden Administration has long emphasized the benefits of democratic values in its foreign policy approach.

According to the White House, the administration has understood the challenge of convincing the global population that democratic principles can rectify current issues and improve human rights. Therefore, the summit invites world leaders to demonstrate the progress of their democratic commitments.

The virtual conference is scheduled for December 9 and 10. The Biden administration is inviting heads of states, private sector entities, civil society, and philanthropy leaders. He intends to use the event to encourage international collaboration and strengthen the democratic foundation.

Biden Schedules ‘Summit for Democracy’ in December 2021, Global Economic ReportCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2021 Patti Mohr
democracy promotion, Biden Schedules ‘Summit for Democracy’ in December 2021, Global Economic Report

Spencer Hayes

Spencer Brooke Hayes writes about the intersection of economics and human rights for the Global Economic Report. Spencer earned a Masters Degree International Affairs with a concentration in Global and Homeland Security from the Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, University at Albany. She earned her Bachelors's Degree in Political Science and Philosophy in 2019 from the University of Connecticut. Spencer has been accepted into a doctoral program this Fall at the University of Connecticut. She will study international relations and comparative politics.

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