Sunday, January 26

China Issues Paper On Human Rights, Xinjiang

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July 14, 2021–A day after the U.S. government warned against doing business in Xinjiang, China issued a White Paper today defending its human rights record and asserting that the elimination of poverty supports equal rights.

Fighting Poverty And Terrorism

“Poverty is a major problem that plagues humanity, and poverty eradication is the most arduous global human rights cause in the contemporary era,” the white paper said. It reported that “From 1955 to 2020, Xinjiang’s GDP rose from RMB1.2 billion in 1955 to RMB1.4 trillion in 2020. On a per capita GDP basis, that is RMB241 in 1955 to RMB53,593 in 2020.

According to the paper, extremists and terrorists from East Turkistan have incited hatred, discrimination, and violence inside Xinjiang, “taking advantage of people’s ethnic and religious feelings.” And, as a result, it’s led to death and violence. “These acts have seriously endangered the lives of people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang and trampled on human dignity,” the paper said.

Furthermore, the white paper said China put forward new regulations and laws “to strike hard at terrorist activities.”

China Says It Respects Human Rights

The White Paper went on to describe China’s laws and the ways it says the country supports its citizens, including ethnic minorities. The paper discusses:

  • The right to life;
  • Civil liberty;
  • The right to a fair trial;
  • Political rights and voting rights;
  • Economic rights;
  • The right to work;
  • Cultural rights;
  • Educational rights; and
  • Social rights.

It’s noteworthy to point out that the GER has not evaluated China’s record on human rights or its practice in upholding any of the rights mentioned above.

Angry Response To U.S. Accusations Of Genocide

Meanwhile, asked about the actions by the U.S. government, which the GER reported on yesterday, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman rejected the claims.

“The US has been spouting the same old lies in the Xinjiang-related reports it issued one after another,” said Zhao Lijian in his regular press briefing. “The repetition of lies just lays bare its hypocrisy and hegemony on human rights.”

The State Department released an updated Xinjiang Supply Chain Business Advisory, accusing China of practicing ongoing forced labor and genocide in Xinjiang.

Zhao turned that around on the United States, saying “Speaking of genocide, crimes against humanity and forced labor, I would like to ask you a question. Why can the US always come up with these unfounded charges against other countries? The simple answer is that they are the sins the US once committed.” 

Additional reporting on this story by Patti Mohr.

China Issues Paper On Human Rights, Xinjiang, Global Economic ReportCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2021 Patti Mohr
china white paper, China Issues Paper On Human Rights, Xinjiang, Global Economic Report

Spencer Hayes

Spencer Brooke Hayes writes about the intersection of economics and human rights for the Global Economic Report. Spencer earned a Masters Degree International Affairs with a concentration in Global and Homeland Security from the Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, University at Albany. She earned her Bachelors's Degree in Political Science and Philosophy in 2019 from the University of Connecticut. Spencer has been accepted into a doctoral program this Fall at the University of Connecticut. She will study international relations and comparative politics.

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