Thursday, March 6

Citing Russia’s Aggression in Europe, Japan’s Kishida Steps Up Diplomacy

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Japan diplomacy, Citing Russia’s Aggression in Europe, Japan’s Kishida Steps Up Diplomacy, Global Economic Report
Japan’s Prime Minister Kishida visited a mass grave in Bucha, Ukraine and expressed his anger about the atrocities Russia’s military committed.

Kishida Promises To Boost Public and Private Funds For ‘Free And Open’ Indo-Pacific

March 21, 2023—Russia’s aggressive war against its neighbor Ukraine is having an impact in SE Asia where leaders worry that China may try to make similar territorial claims against international law. Moreover, ensuring that the sea lanes stay open to trade is increasingly imperative. Japan is increasing its role as a center of diplomatic circles, especially this year as it hosts the G7 meetings.

Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida traveled to India on Monday and Ukraine today in an effort to strengthen diplomatic ties and alliances.

“Russia’s aggression against Ukraine obliges us to face the most fundamental challenge; defending peace,” Kishida said on Monday.

In India on Monday, Kishida focused on shoring up regional trade and security. Specifically, Kishida put emphasis on the Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) strategy.

Indo-Pacific Strategy

Kishida’s predecessor Shinzo Abe created the Indo-Pacific strategy in partnership with the United States, India, and Australia. It initially emerged in 2016 as a loose concept of liberal trade order. The U.S. government strengthened its role during the administration of Donald Trump, who had notably withdrawn from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The foreign policy strategy is viewed by participants as being needed to counter China’s growing influence and strongarm tactics in the East and South China Seas.

For Japan, a country limited in its defense capabilities by its laws, it means investing in Asia and Africa.

Economic Development

Kishida told the Indian Council of World Affairs on Monday he felt a “sense of destiny” talking about the evolving FOIP strategy. He pledged to increase in private investments and loans and government aid in the regions by $75 billion by 2030.

“I believe that this vision, nurtured by the voices of different countries and which can be characterized as “our FOIP,” is becoming more important than ever toward the goal of leading the international community in the direction of cooperation rather than division and confrontation,” Kishida said.

Global Discord

Kishid said the world is entering a new era as global discord grows. He referenced the political disagreements over the Russia-Ukraine war. The discord at the recent G20 meetings in India created challenges for cooperating on issues like climate change.

“One characteristic of this turning point is the lack of a guiding perspective that is acceptable to all about what the international order should be,” Kishida said. “This was clearly demonstrated by the considerable discrepancies in the attitudes across various countries toward Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.”

G7 Forum For Diplomacy

Kishida invited Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the upcoming G7 meeting in Japan in May. According to Japan’s press office, the two leaders discussed a wide range of issues, including development finance, food security, climate, and energy.

Ukraine Surprise Visit

Today, Kishida made a surprise visit to Ukraine where he shored up support for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. In Bucha, Kishida visited a mass grave and expressed his anger.

“The world was astonished to see innocent civilians in Bucha killed one year ago. I really feel anger at the atrocity upon visiting every place here,” Kishida said.

Citing Russia’s Aggression in Europe, Japan’s Kishida Steps Up Diplomacy, Global Economic ReportCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2023 Patti Mohr
Japan diplomacy, Citing Russia’s Aggression in Europe, Japan’s Kishida Steps Up Diplomacy, Global Economic Report

Patti Mohr

Patti Mohr is a U.S.-based journalist. She writes about global diplomacy, economics, and infringements on individual freedom. Patti is the founder of the Global Economic Report. Her goal is to elevate journalistic principles and share the pursuit of truth in concert with others.

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