‘It’s Getting Ugly,’ Economist Writes About Price Fixing Policies
November 3, 2022–The United Nations General Assembly took up the Cuban government’s annual resolution to end the economic embargo imposes against that country. Cuba has widespread support among UN delegates for its request to end the U.S. embargo, which hampers its trade and economy.
“The blockade constitutes a massive, flagrant and systematic violation of the
human rights of the Cuban people,” Cuba’s resolution asserted.
U.S. Political Counselor John Kelly issued a statement defending the U.S. position.
“Mr. President, the United States opposes this resolution, but we stand with the Cuban people and will continue to seek ways to provide meaningful support to them,” Kelly said. “We encourage this body to urge the Cuban government to listen to the Cuban people and their demands to determine their own future.”
State Repression
Meanwhile, however, the Cuban government’s repression against its people is getting worse, according to sources. The State Security announced in their state-owned newspaper Granma they are cracking down on “excessive prices and the resale of essential products” and are also launching a special operation to target the so-called “subversive and mercenary status” of a publication called El Toque.
Food Prices
First food vendors are facing fines for selling their goods. Spain-based economist Elias Amor Bravo writes in the Havana Times , “as of now it will be more difficult to find food, and the weight of the repression will be unlimited against people who offer these services to their fellow citizens.”
Bravo suggests that the government spend more time finding and producing food and less time on its “surveillance, snitching, inspections, and repression” activities.
Media Control And Crack Down
Meanwhile, the government is also cracking down on a media outlet called El Toque, which publishes for a Cuban audience and says it searches for “new ways for society to become empowered,” according to its website.
The government is ratcheting up its propaganda against and repression of El Toque, according to the news site. “The most worrying thing these days, however, has been the sick insistence of State Security agents to obtain video “confessions” from our colleagues,” an editorial from the site said.
End Attacks on Journalists
Meanwhile, the UN Secretary General marked the day of International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists by noting the murder of 70 journalists worldwide.
“As we mark its 10th anniversary, I call on governments and the international community take the necessary steps to protect our journalists,” António Guterres said. “We must end a common culture of impunity and enable journalists to do their essential work.”