Thursday, March 6

EU Moves One Step Closer To Forcing Standard Phone Cords

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standard USB, EU Moves One Step Closer To Forcing Standard Phone Cords, Global Economic Report

June 7, 2022The European Union is moving one step closer to forcing tech companies to standardize cords charging cell phones. Today, the European Parliament and EU Member States agreed on a plan to require tech companies to make it easier for consumers to use a uniform charger, USB-C as it’s known, for mobile phones and other portable electronic devices.

The European Commission developed the plan for a common charger last September. The commissioners have been working on the issue since 2009, to the chagrin of Apple and other firms who prefer to sell consumers multiple cords for multiple devices.

Common Charger

The 2021 plan is to make the USB-C “the standard port for all smartphones, tablets, cameras, headphones, portable speakers and handheld videogame consoles.” Supporters say it will eliminate e-waste and benefit consumers.

“One common charger is a real benefit to us as consumers. It will also help our environment,” said Margrethe Vestager, European Commissioner for Competition.

In 2021, Daniel Ives, a managing director of equity research at Wedbush Securities, estimated the EU proposal could cost Apple up to $1 billion.

(Sources: European Commission, The New York Times, The Verge)

EU Moves One Step Closer To Forcing Standard Phone Cords, Global Economic ReportCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2022 Patti Mohr
standard USB, EU Moves One Step Closer To Forcing Standard Phone Cords, Global Economic Report

Patti Mohr

Patti Mohr is a U.S.-based journalist. She writes about global diplomacy, economics, and infringements on individual freedom. Patti is the founder of the Global Economic Report. Her goal is to elevate journalistic principles and share the pursuit of truth in concert with others.

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