Thursday, March 6

EU Sanctions Eight More Individuals Over Nicaraguan Political Situation

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August 6, 2021—In reaction to more political arrests in Nicaragua, the European Union sanctioned an additional eight individuals.

As the GER previously reported, the Nicaraguan government has been arresting political opponents and people who have criticized the government ahead of elections scheduled for November.

The EU references the continued deterioration of Nicaragua’s political situation, “The political use of the judicial system, the exclusion of candidates from the elections and the arbitrary delisting of opposition parties are contrary to basic democratic principles and constitutes a serious violation to the rights of the Nicaraguan people.”

More Arrests

Last week, the Nicaraguan police arrested José Antonio Peraza, a political science professor and the leader of the opposition alliance White and Blue National Unity. Other recent arrests include Noel Vidaurre, an opposition leader, Jaime Arellano, a political commentator, and Berenice Quezada, a candidate for vice president and a former beauty queen in the 2017 Miss Universe pageant.

nicaraguan sanctions, EU Sanctions Eight More Individuals Over Nicaraguan Political Situation, Global Economic Report
The Nicaraguan government recently arrested and released Berenice Quezada, a candidate for vice president and a former beauty queen in the 2017 Miss Universe pageant, from detention.

EU Statement

The EU has continuously called on the Nicaraguan government to adhere to its constitution and international standards of human rights. It also is asking the government to make electoral reforms, dissolve laws targeting so-called foreign agents, and release political prisoners.

The fourteen persons sanctioned are subject to an asset freeze and inability to obtain funds from EU citizens and entities. Sanctions also place a travel ban on individuals listed.

“These measures are targeted at individuals and are designed in this way not to harm the Nicaraguan population or the Nicaraguan economy”, stated the EU in their August 2 press release. According to the release, adding the names to the sanctions list is a means of demonstrating the EU’s commitment to a democratic and peaceful solution to the Nicaraguan political crisis.

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nicaraguan sanctions, EU Sanctions Eight More Individuals Over Nicaraguan Political Situation, Global Economic Report

Spencer Hayes

Spencer Brooke Hayes writes about the intersection of economics and human rights for the Global Economic Report. Spencer earned a Masters Degree International Affairs with a concentration in Global and Homeland Security from the Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, University at Albany. She earned her Bachelors's Degree in Political Science and Philosophy in 2019 from the University of Connecticut. Spencer has been accepted into a doctoral program this Fall at the University of Connecticut. She will study international relations and comparative politics.

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