Thursday, March 6

International Law Resources

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International Law includes rules from treaties, conventions, declarations, agreements, and customs. UN Security Council resolutions are not international law. However, some resolutions have a binding nature, carrying more strength. The Security Council can approve peacekeeping missions, ad hoc tribunals, and sanctions.

The International Court of Justice, also called the “World Court,”  is the principal judicial organ of the UN. Its role is to settle legal disputes brought by member states and to give advisory opinions. It is located in The Hague. It represents 193 States that are members.

The International Criminal Court, the ICC, investigates genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and the crime of aggression and has the responsibility for charging individuals of those crimes.The ICC sees itself as a “court of last resort,” as a supplement to national courts. The Rome Statute governs the ICC. Its membership includes 124 countries.

The World Trade Organization (WTO) resolves trade disputes. Since 1995 it is one of the more active dispute settlement bodies in the world. And the World Bank settles investment disputes.

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