Thursday, March 6

It Was ‘The Furious Year Of Invincibility’

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Key Excerpts From Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy Speech At One-Year Anniversary Of War

Feb 24, 2023—A year ago, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy surprised Russian President Vladimir Putin and the world by staying in the capital city of Kiev to fight back against Putin’s invasion.

Today, one year into the war, Zelenskyy addressed his nation about the war. Below are key excerpts from his speech.

“A year ago, on this day, from this very place, at about seven in the morning, I addressed you with a short statement. It lasted only 67 seconds. It contained the two most important things, then and now. That Russia started a full-scale war against us. And that we are strong. We are ready for anything. We will defeat everyone because we are Ukraine!

That is how February 24, 2022 began. The longest day of our lives. The hardest day of our modern history. We woke up early and haven’t fallen asleep since.”

“We will not erase their names from the phone or from our own memory. We will never forget them. We will never forgive that. We will never rest until the Russian murderers face deserved punishment. The punishment of the International Tribunal. The judgment of God. Of our warriors. Or all of them together.

The verdict is obvious. 9 years ago, the neighbor became an aggressor. A year ago, the aggressor became an executioner, looter and terrorist. We have no doubt that they will be held accountable. We have no doubt that we will win.”

“I want to address those who are still waiting. Our citizens who are now under temporary occupation. Ukraine has not abandoned you, has not forgotten about you, has not given up on you. One way or another, we will liberate all our lands. We will do everything for Ukraine to return. And to all those who are now forced to stay abroad, we will do everything for you to return to Ukraine. We will do everything to make it possible.

We will fight and bring back every single one of our captive soldiers. Only all this together will be a victory.”

“We have become one family. There are no more strangers among us. Ukrainians today are all fellows. Ukrainians have sheltered Ukrainians, opened their homes and hearts to those who were forced to flee the war.

We withstand all threats, shelling, cluster bombs, cruise missiles, kamikaze drones, blackouts, and cold. We are stronger than that.

It was a year of resilience. A year of care. A year of bravery. A year of pain. A year of hope. A year of endurance. A year of unity. The year of invincibility. The furious year of invincibility.”

It Was ‘The Furious Year Of Invincibility’, Global Economic ReportCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2023 Patti Mohr
Ukraine war, It Was ‘The Furious Year Of Invincibility’, Global Economic Report

Patti Mohr

Patti Mohr is a U.S.-based journalist. She writes about global diplomacy, economics, and infringements on individual freedom. Patti is the founder of the Global Economic Report. Her goal is to elevate journalistic principles and share the pursuit of truth in concert with others.

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