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Key Takeaways From PM Boris Johnson’s Address To Parliament on Ukraine

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Russia war, Key Takeaways From PM Boris Johnson’s Address To Parliament on Ukraine, Global Economic Report
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson addresses his parliament on Feb. 24, 2022.

February 24, 2022–The United Kingdom’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson addressed the House of Commons today, rallying the British people in what is likely to be a long battle against the Russian government in the aftermath of its assault on Ukraine.

Here are some key points from the question and answers:

Tougher Finance in London. Britain is likely to crack down on financial transactions. London has long been the home of financial transactions and attracts some of the world’s big money players. With that, it’s earned a reputation as a tax haven, a safe haven for hiding and even laundering cash. That’s all about to change as U.K. politicians hone in Russian banks, oligarchs and business transactions.

“We must make changes here in the U.K.,” said Keir Starmer, Labour Party leader. “For too long, our country has been a safe haven for the money that Putin and his fellow bandits stole from the Russian people. It must end now.”

Extensive Sanctions. The United Kingdom, along with the United States, is putting together an extensive package of financial sanctions, trade restrictions and limits on global collaboration.

Defense Review. The United Kingdom is reviewing its military capabilities in light of the new war in Europe.

Uncertainty. No one knows what Russian President Vladimir Putin’s ultimate goals are, but they might extend beyond the entirety of Ukraine.

Western Complacency. The MPs said the West has been complacent in dealing with Russia’s invasion of Georgia in 2008 and Crimea in 2014, and they vowed to change course.

“We were spineless after Crimea,” one MP said. “The West was asleep at the switch,” another said.

Crimes Against Humanity. British MPs and Johnson want to set up a war tribunal specifically for the Ukraine conflict to hold aggressors, including Putin, accountable.

“Putin will pay a huge price for what he’s done,” Johnson said. He likened Putin’s strategy to the playbook of Serbian Slobodan Miloševi?, whom died while facing trial for war crimes.

No Turning Back. Diplomacy Is Dead. As Russia accelerates its war-footing, the chance for a diplomatic solution is over.

“He’s chosen the path of overwhelming violence and destruction,” Johnson said of Putin. “And I’m afraid that puts us on a very, very different course.”

Risk of Cyberattacks And Economic Impact: The MPs said they recognize they may face economic effects and run a higher risk of cyberattacks as they counter Russia.

“It will mean cost. It will mean inconvenience. It will mean difficulty for us in the U.K.. But that will be a price worth paying for defeating the objectives of Vladimir Putin and showing that aggression does not pay,” Johnson said. Later, he added, “It is a risk we must run in the cause of freedom.”

Key Takeaways From PM Boris Johnson’s Address To Parliament on Ukraine, Global Economic ReportCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2022 Patti Mohr
Russia war, Key Takeaways From PM Boris Johnson’s Address To Parliament on Ukraine, Global Economic Report

Patti Mohr

Patti Mohr is a U.S.-based journalist. She writes about global diplomacy, economics, and infringements on individual freedom. Patti is the founder of the Global Economic Report. Her goal is to elevate journalistic principles and share the pursuit of truth in concert with others.

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