Thursday, March 6

Notable Quotable

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Quotes from both modern times and history on liberty, responsibilities of individuals, governments and the private sector, globalization, and economics.

On Truth:

“Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.” –Albert Einstein

On Individual Leadership:

“It is the duty of governments, and of individuals, to form the truest opinions they can; to form them carefully, and never impose them upon others unless they are quite sure of being right.” –John Stuart Mill, 1859 in Liberty

On Business And Ethics:

“We believe business is among the most powerful entities in society. We believe that companies have a responsibility to use their power and influence to advance the wider common good.” -Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield

“The global power of the private sector is reflected in the growing reliance upon market-based mechanisms to address global challenges.”  -OECD Development Centre’s Perspectives on Global Development, 2021

On Diplomacy:

“We were constantly in contact and sought to find ways out of even the most difficult situations. During your years at the helm of the German Government, you rightfully gained high regard in Europe and the world over. I am confident that your rich experience as a statesperson and politician will always be in high demand. And, of course, we will continue our friendly interaction,” -Russian President Vladimir Putin on German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the end of Merkel’s 16-year rule (December 8, 2021)

On Global Leadership:

“To realize American’s hegemonic power is declining is the first step to identifying problems and solutions.” –Zhiqun Zhu, professor of political science at Bucknell University (The Economist Virtual Conference, June 29, 2021)

On Globalization:

“The Russian invasion of Ukraine has put an end to the globalization we have experienced over the last three decades.” -Larry Fink, BlackRock Chairman, March 24, 2022

Nike Chief Executive John Donahoe said “Nike is a brand that is of China and for China” in response to a question about competition from Chinese brands. (Nike conference, call, June 2021)

On De-Globalization/Decoupling:

“And this war is also, in a way, a bomb that has been placed beneath the multilateral system. As well we know – more or less intuitively, more or less rationally – without a doubt, we are at this very moment being thrown into a sort of geopolitical transition towards a new chapter, a different chapter in the history of international relations.” –European Council President Charles Michel, October 10, 2022

On Global Economics:

“The world desperately needs new ways to manage its economy, ones that support demand without creating unmanageable rises in indebtedness.” —Financial Times columnist Martin Wolf, reflecting on a sharp increase in China’s private debt that could reduce demand. (FT, Feb. 25)


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