Thursday, March 6

OECD Ministers Emphasize ‘Shared Values,’ Open Path To New Members

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June 10, 2022—Ministers from the 38-member organization of Western powers focused on coordinating a response to economic challenges coming primarily from Russia’s war against Ukraine. In operation since 1960, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development is drawing up plans to unite around an agenda of democratic values, climate action and expansion. The group is making way for new members to join, and Brazil, Bulgaria, Croatia, Peru, and Romania are the primary contenders.

After a two-day meeting, OECD ministers released a 17-point statement. It set goals, such as avoiding protectionism, including export restrictions, restoring trust in democratic participation, regulating digital transformation, reforming international tax systems, and maintaining a rules-based international order. Furthermore, it cited Russia’s war and its actions blocking exports of commodities as key causes of inflation.

OECD Ministers Emphasize ‘Shared Values,’ Open Path To New Members, Global Economic ReportCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2022 Patti Mohr
Western powers, OECD Ministers Emphasize ‘Shared Values,’ Open Path To New Members, Global Economic Report

Patti Mohr

Patti Mohr is a U.S.-based journalist. She writes about global diplomacy, economics, and infringements on individual freedom. Patti is the founder of the Global Economic Report. Her goal is to elevate journalistic principles and share the pursuit of truth in concert with others.

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