February 25, 2022–South Korea’s Foreign Ministry today condemned Russia’s armed invasion of Ukraine and promised to respond with economic sanctions against Russia. Up until today, the country stopped short of outright condemning the actions even while voicing support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity.
“As a responsible member of the international community, the Korean government will support and join the international community’s efforts, including economic sanctions, to curb armed invasion and resolve the situation peacefully,” the South Korean Foreign Ministry said today in a press release.
Previously, South Korean Spokesperson Choi Youngsam had expressed “serious concern” and directed people to a Feb. 22 statement in which the ministry urged the parties “to continue to seek a peaceful solution.” Moreover, the ministry had said it was “placing utmost priority” on Korean nationals in Ukraine.
Meanwhile, South Korea is hosting a forum on Africa next week to exchange views on cooperation and regional affairs.
Coalition Building
The U.S. State Department and its officials have been working the phones to strengthen support for its response to Russia’s aggression. On Thursday, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman spoke with South Korea’s First Vice Foreign Minister Choi Jong Kun. She emphasized that the attack by Russia was premeditated, according to a department readout.
Sherman also spoke with diplomats from Portugal, Colombia, Saudi Arabia, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom. Furthermore, Secretary Antony Blinken spoke with his counterparts in the UAE, Israel, India, Poland, Turkey, Lithuania and the EU. Blinken emphasized that, “Russia’s destructive actions will reverberate throughout Europe and the broader world.”