Thursday, March 6

Tag: Finance

Banking System Is ‘Safe’ And ‘Sound,’ Fed Chair Says
Currency, Debt, National Budgets & Interest Rates, Finance, Investing, Types of News: Brief

Banking System Is ‘Safe’ And ‘Sound,’ Fed Chair Says

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell answered press questions on March 22, 2023. Rate Hike Takes Place In Environment Of Uncertainty March 22, 2023—Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell assured the public and press on Wednesday that the U.S. banking system is "strong, sound, and well capitalized." His comment came less than two weeks after several banks, namely U.S.-based Signature Bank and Silicon Valley Bank and Swiss-based Credit Suisse, failed. The Federal Reserve Committee announced today it is raising the federal funds rate to a range of 4.75-5 percent in light of persistently high inflation. Powell said the Fed would have to bring inflation down to 2 percent because "the costs of failing are much higher." The Fed's decision follows a similar rate increase by the European C...
US Regulators Act Following Bank Collapses
Currency, Debt, National Budgets & Interest Rates, Finance, Investing, Types of News: Brief, United States

US Regulators Act Following Bank Collapses

Run On Bank Was First Sign Of Significant Volatility Amid Rate Hikes March 14, 2023—U.S. regulators and policymakers acted swiftly over the weekend following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank on Friday and Signature Bank on Sunday. The runs on the banks by customers are the first signs of major volatility following the Federal Reserve's multiple rate hikes to reduce inflation. The government through the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation provided a risk-exception guarantee for all bank deposits of the two banks. That mitigated the risk of additional runs on banks. The details are as follows: The FDIC's guarantee would not apply to investors or unsecured debt holders. Regulators removed senior management of the banks. The FDIC took over Silicon Valley Bank and opened Signature...

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