Thursday, March 6

Tag: Global collaboration

War Poses Obstacle To G20 Global Collaboration
Diplomacy, Organizations, IMF, WTO, G7, Types of News: Brief

War Poses Obstacle To G20 Global Collaboration

Leaders Can't Come To Terms On Joint Statement March 2, 2023—Foreign ministers meeting in India had difficulty overcoming an obstacle to collaborating on global problems due to one big elephant in the room: Russia's invasion of and ongoing war in Ukraine. Heads of state of G20 countries are scheduled to meet in New Delhi in September 2023. Their top diplomats met yesterday and today. Normally, delegates would conclude meetings up with a joint statement detailing areas of agreement on issues like climate change and the global economy. Instead, they settled for an outcome document acknowledging major differences about the Russia-Ukraine war. "The war in Ukraine has further adversely impacted the global economy," the foreign ministers said in the document. "Most members strongly co...

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