Thursday, March 6

Tag: immigration

U.S. Struggles to Clarify Laws on Immigration
Migration, Immigration, Borders, Types of News: Analysis, United States

U.S. Struggles to Clarify Laws on Immigration

June 21 -- A day after U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order to reverse his administration's policy of separating children from their parents as the parents are prosecuted, Congress took up legislation to reform the nation's immigration and employment laws. If legislation is enacted, it would make sweeping changes to policies affecting political asylum, guest worker programs, employment-verification requirements,  transnational criminal organizations, border security and the legal status of foreign-born people who were brought to United States as children. But the question of "if" is a big one. A Longstanding Impasse Congress's track record in enacting immigration legislation is not good. Despite the need to clarify the nation's laws, its members have not enacted m...

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