Thursday, March 6

Foreign Aid, International Development

Foreign aid includes stories about aid from countries and organizations.

Greece Puts Debt Bills Up For Democratic Vote
Currency, Debt, National Budgets & Interest Rates, Democracy, Europe, EU, Eurozone, Foreign Aid, International Development, Global Economics, Types of News: Brief

Greece Puts Debt Bills Up For Democratic Vote

Greece is to hold a national referendum to decide whether the country will accept a deal offered by creditors over the country's debt obligations and tax, spending and pension policies. Caught between his government's promises to pay its debts and his own campaign promises to oppose fiscal reforms demanded by creditor institutions, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announced today that he will let the people decide the fate of the country. "Our responsibility is for the future of our country. This responsibility obliges us to respond to the ultimatum through the sovereign will of the Greek people," Tsipras said. While it seems like a lot is riding on the national referendum, scheduled to take place Sunday, July 5, the vote might come too late. Greece owes a debt payment of €1.5...

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