Thursday, March 6

Human rights

The relations between economics and human rights are undeniably present in today’s world. Each day, nations make decisions that negatively or positively affect the lives of their citizens. Combatting human rights violations is a common goal in the international community. Global diplomacy reacts to such infractions with heavy economic and political repercussions such as sanctions and boycotts. The continued monitoring and reporting of these responses is a large component of the longevity of this beat. For more on this topic, see the Human Rights Resources page.

Beijing Strikes Back Against Western Sanctions
Diplomacy, Globalization, Global Disintegration, Human rights, Sanctions, Types of News: Brief

Beijing Strikes Back Against Western Sanctions

June 17, 2021--China's National People's Congress passed sweeping legislation last week to retaliate against Western sanctions and those who enact them. The Anti-foreign Sanctions Law gives China's authority to blacklist individuals and organizations who create or implement discriminating measures against China or its citizens or interfere with China's internal affairs, according to a Reuters analysis of the legislation. If targeted and placed on a blacklist, individuals and organizations could face the following consequences: Deportation from ChinaBanned from travel to China.Chinese assets dissolved or frozen.Transaction within China restricted. Western Sanctions The new law comes in response to sanctions that the European Union, United States, Canada and Britain issued ag...
Senate Panel Focuses on Crime-Related Migration at US-Mexico Border
Corruption, Bribes, Illicit Finance & Money Laundering, Human rights, Migration, Immigration, Borders, Types of News: Brief

Senate Panel Focuses on Crime-Related Migration at US-Mexico Border

October 13, 2019--A Senate committee examining migration at the U.S.-Mexico border on Wednesday focused largely on crimes, such as child exploitation, drug trafficking and human smuggling. With just under a million cases of immigrants entering the U.S. border in the fiscal year 2019, the U.S. justice system of processing and detaining immigrants is overwhelmed, U.S. officials reported. Child Pawns Of primary concern are children who are used as human pawns for individuals seeking to enter the United States illegally. According to Mark Morgan, the acting commissioner of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, human smugglers use children as a "money-making commodity" by selling or renting them to migrants. "We know children are being rented and recycled and presented as fake fa...
Trump Adds ‘Human Rights’ to Foreign Policy Agenda
Democracy, Diplomacy, Human rights, Types of News: Analysis

Trump Adds ‘Human Rights’ to Foreign Policy Agenda

March 13-In an apparent shift in strategy, U.S. President Donald Trump now views human rights as an essential part of its "American First" foreign policy, a White House release said on Monday. The statement carefully interposed the idea of human rights between respect for national sovereignty and American values. "As a corollary, governments have a responsibility to their citizens," the White House statement asserted, while referencing Trump's speech before the UN General Assembly last September. "In other words, legitimate national sovereignty must begin with a respect for human rights." While the United States government has traditionally included democracy promotion and human rights as part of its foreign policy umbrella, Trump differentiated himself by putting forward a differ...

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