Monday, March 10

Types of News: Brief

News briefs are shorter stories about current events. It’s the who-what-when-and-where. “Just the facts, ma’am.” Please see our writers guidelines.

UN Security Council Unanimously Backs US-Russian Deal on Syrian Aid
Diplomacy, Foreign Aid, International Development, International Law, Legal Battles, Types of News: Brief

UN Security Council Unanimously Backs US-Russian Deal on Syrian Aid

UN Security Council Unanimously Supports Compromise Plan On Aid Route. July 9, 2021 'Catastrophe Averted' For Syrian Refugees With One-Year Extension July 14, 2021—In a sign that diplomacy can work, the United Nations Security Council voted 15-0 late last week on a plan to keep a key transportation route open for humanitarian aid for Syrians impacted by the 10-year civil war. The action extends for one year a cross-border route along the Syrian-Turkish border for another 12 months. The high-level decision on the Bab al-Hawa border crossing impacts millions of Syrians. “Parents can sleep tonight knowing that their children will be fed for the next 12 months. The humanitarian agreement we have reached here will literally save lives,” said Amb. Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the U.S. ...
G20 Finance Ministers Back Carbon Taxes To Fight Climate Change
Climate Action, ESG, Sustainable Finance, Diplomacy, Organizations, IMF, WTO, G7, Types of News: Brief

G20 Finance Ministers Back Carbon Taxes To Fight Climate Change

July 12, 2021—G20 finance ministers last week agreed carbon pricing could be an effective tool to help fight global climate change. During their meetings at the G20 High Level Tax Symposium on Tax Policy and Climate Change in Venice, Italy, the ministers also reaffirmed a 2050 target for net zero emissions of greenhouse gases, using carbon taxes as a way to get there. Photo by veeterzy on Unsplash Tools At Their Disposal While the ministers did not approve a carbon tax proposal, they acknowledged that different countries had many tools at their disposal to reduce emissions, but international cooperation is ultimately critical. Carbon Pricing, Explained Carbon pricing is a fee or tax on companies to cover the external costs of greenhouse gas emissions, such as...
EU Invests In Western Balkan States, Discusses Enlargement Plans
Europe, EU, Eurozone, Globalization, Global Disintegration, Types of News: Brief

EU Invests In Western Balkan States, Discusses Enlargement Plans

German Leader Angela Merkel hosts the 2021 Berlin Process in a virtual meeting. Angela Merkel Hosts 8th Annual Berlin Process Engaging Western Balkans July 7, 2021-European Union leaders said they are encouraged by the progress Western Balkan countries are making in pursuit of EU membership. Writing on Twitter, EU President Ursula von der Leyen said the EU needs to “speed up the enlargement process.” She also said the process aids the applicants. The EU restated its commitment to helping the Western Balkans with post-pandemic economic recovery efforts via infrastructure investments, as well as financial and technical assistance among other avenues. Berlin Process for Admission The Berlin Process is the lengthy path to EU membership for Albania (applied 2009), Bosnia and Herz...
Biden Extends Sanctions Over China’s Actions in Hong Kong
Sanctions, Types of News: Brief

Biden Extends Sanctions Over China’s Actions in Hong Kong

July 8, 2021—President Joe Biden today extended the national emergency declared related to how China is governing Hong Kong. Continuing crackdowns by Beijing against pro-democracy advocates and media underline Biden’s decision. “The situation with respect to Hong Kong, including recent actions taken by the People’s Republic of China to fundamentally undermine Hong Kong’s autonomy, continues to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States,” the extension stated. The order led to sanctions against individuals involved in the clampdown, including the freezing of economic assets in the U.S. and barring them from entering the country. Biden’s move continues for one year President Donald Trump’s Executive Order 13936 of...
Corruption, Bribes, Illicit Finance & Money Laundering, Domestic Politics, Types of News: Brief, United States

Biden Extends Emergency Designation On Transnational Criminal Organizations

July 8, 2021—U.S. President Joe Biden extended a previous national emergency designation regarding the continued threat of transnational criminal organizations to U.S. national security and private interests. The White House’s announcement said transnational criminal organizations "continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States." The order allows the U.S. government to block property of organizations involved in criminal activities in two or more countries. Extension of Obama Executive Order The declaration is actually a continuation of executive order 13581 first issued by President Barack Obama in 2011 and continued in 2016. That order named the following organizations: The Brothers' Circle, Camorra...
EU Presses Hungary To Restore Rule of Law, Human Rights
Corruption, Bribes, Illicit Finance & Money Laundering, Democracy, Domestic Politics, Europe, EU, Eurozone, Types of News: Brief

EU Presses Hungary To Restore Rule of Law, Human Rights

European Parliament debates a Hungarian law blocking broadcasts that include homosexuals. July 8, 2021. Source: European Commission. European Lawmakers Grow Increasingly Discontent Over Dismantling of Democracy in Hungary July 8, 2021--Six months into a new law linking EU funds to a condition requiring members to uphold the rule of law, European lawmakers are primed to use the new power in a case against member-state Hungary. Today, the European Parliament voted in favor of a resolution condemning Hungary for "state-sponsorship" of censorship against homosexuals. The vote of 459 for, 147 against and 58 abstentions came as a new Hungarian law banning depictions of homosexuals in media took effect. Today's resolution condemns "in the strongest possible terms" the Hun...
U.S. Court Rules in Favor of Importers Opposing Tariffs on Chinese Goods
Global Trade, Types of News: Brief

U.S. Court Rules in Favor of Importers Opposing Tariffs on Chinese Goods

July 7, 2021-In what may be the first of thousands of cases contending Trump-era tariffs on Chinese goods, a high-level U.S. court ruled on Tuesday in favor U.S. importers. According to attorneys for the U.S. businesses, the ruling is likely to impact more than 6,500 plaintiffs who have filed similar lawsuits. The Case Decided This Week A group of U.S. companies in the flooring and home-based consumer products argued that import tariffs on Chinese goods imposed "irreparable harm" on their businesses. The case, which is the first of 3,600 cases before the Court of International Trade, relates to the final collection of tariff duties, called "liquidation." Specifically, the court ruled that, "Liquidation, as the final computation of duties, will constitute irreparable harm unless an...
U.S. Bans Solar-Industry Product Made in Xinjiang, China Over Concerns of ‘Modern-Day Slavery’
Global Trade, Globalization, Global Disintegration, Human rights, Types of News: Brief

U.S. Bans Solar-Industry Product Made in Xinjiang, China Over Concerns of ‘Modern-Day Slavery’

July 5, 2021-- In the latest move to identify and prohibit products produced by "state-sponsored forced labor," the U.S. government banned imports of a material made in Xinjiang, China. The product, polysilicon, is a key component in the supply chain of solar panels. As a result of the ban, U.S. Customs officials must intercept imports of the product at U.S. ports. The decision is likely to have an impact not only on consumer and manufacture prices but also on foreign relations between the two countries. 'Modern-Day Slavery' Alejandro N. Mayorkas, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary, announced the order against Hoshine Silicon Industry in late June. The decision followed discussions among leaders from G7 countries about the use of forced labor global supply chains. It also comes on t...
Pakistan’s Leader Praises China’s One-Party Rule
Communism, Dictatorship, Political Systems, Domestic Politics, Types of News: Brief

Pakistan’s Leader Praises China’s One-Party Rule

July 2, 2021-Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, praised China's one-party system on Thursday during a press conference on Thursday. Furthermore, Imran, a who was popularly elected three years ago, went on to criticize democracy as a form of government. It comes as the Chinese Communist Party (CPC) marked its 100-year anniversary, and it's an indication that China's model is gaining traction globally. Photo: July 2, 2021 by Pakistani news Dismissing Concerns About Treatment of Muslim Uighurs Human rights groups and leaders in Western governments accuse China of committing "crimes against humanity." Its government's treatment of its Muslim Uighur ethnic minority in Xinjiang is drawing widespread international attention. But Khan said he does not believe reports by Western medi...
Syrians Face Dire Situation as Clashes Continue And UN Security Council Preps for Key Decision
Types of News: Brief, UN Security Council

Syrians Face Dire Situation as Clashes Continue And UN Security Council Preps for Key Decision

Photo: UN file photo Humanitarian Aid Convoys At Risk of Losing Access to the Last Cross-Point Available July 1, 2021-UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres called for an extension of the measure that allows humanitarian aid to reach refugees living in Syria. UN Security Council's Mandate 2533, which expires in July, allows for aid to cross the Turkey-Syria border to 13.4 million people dependent on the assistance. As the Global Economic Report previously reported, the aid is a lifeline for refugees in northwest Syria. According to a UN press release, the decade of war in Syria has left 13.4 million dependent on aid relief. Now, the conditions for the Syrians are worse than any time since the war began, the UN reported late last week. Meanwhile, the situation in northwest Syri...

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