Thursday, March 6

US, EU, UK and Canada Target Belarus Officials with New Sanctions

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June 21, 2021- In a coordinated effort to counter an escalation of human rights violations and repression by Belarus, the European Union, United States, United Kingdom, and Canada announced today a new round of sanctions against individuals and entities close to the Alexander Lukashenko regime.

“Today’s actions, taken on both sides of the Atlantic, hold accountable those who continue to suppress the democratic aspirations of the Belarusian people through abuses of human rights, attacks on the free press, and disregard for other fundamental freedoms,” said Andrea Gackju, Director of U.S. Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, according to a press release.

EU Sanctions List of Individuals Grows

The EU’s sanctions now include 78 more people and eight more entities. In total, the EU sanctions include 166 persons and 15 entities in Belarus. Today’s regulation freezes the assets of those named. The list includes names of judges, prosecutors, judicial investigators law-enforcement, government officials, and executive businessmen. Furthermore, it pointedly accuses those individuals of “serious human rights abuses.” Some of those named are known for their roles in arresting protesters and repressing civil rights.

This is the fourth round of sanctions by the EU. It comes in response to the forced landing of Ryanair Flight FR4978 and the arrests of Roman Protasevich and Sofia Sapega. The regulation also prohibits Belarusian air carriers “from landing in, taking off from or overflying the territory of the Union.”

escalation of human rights violations, US, EU, UK and Canada Target Belarus Officials with New Sanctions, Global Economic Report
Journalist Roman Protasevich appears at a June 2021 press conference held by Belarusian officials. Source: Eurovision

US Sanctions Hit At State KGB, Detention Center

U.S. sanctions also identify individuals. Moreover, they also name the State Security Committee, government ministries and the Akrestsina Detention Center, where many prisoners are held.

Pocketbook Persuasion

The the European Council said its goal is “to initiate a genuine and inclusive national dialogue with broader society and to avoid further repression.” According to their press release, the EU is offering economic support to Belarus if it transitions to a more democratic country.

“The EU stands ready to support a peaceful, democratic transition with a variety of instruments, including a comprehensive plan of economic support for a democratic Belarus.”, said the Council said.

Political Prisoners

But, so far, Belarus is moving in the opposite direction. According to Viasna, a human rights organization located in Belarus, as of June 21st, the Belarusian government holds 501 persons who are considered to be political prisoners.

Russia offered financial assistance to Belarus to assist in the stabilization of the country. Belarus received its first installment in October 2020, a total of $500 million. Russia has promised to loan a total of $1.5 billion.

Additional reporting for this story by Patti Mohr

US, EU, UK and Canada Target Belarus Officials with New Sanctions, Global Economic ReportCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2021 Patti Mohr
escalation of human rights violations, US, EU, UK and Canada Target Belarus Officials with New Sanctions, Global Economic Report

Spencer Hayes

Spencer Brooke Hayes writes about the intersection of economics and human rights for the Global Economic Report. Spencer earned a Masters Degree International Affairs with a concentration in Global and Homeland Security from the Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, University at Albany. She earned her Bachelors's Degree in Political Science and Philosophy in 2019 from the University of Connecticut. Spencer has been accepted into a doctoral program this Fall at the University of Connecticut. She will study international relations and comparative politics.

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